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The pro-apoptotic paradox: the BH 3-only protein Bcl-2 interacting killer (Bik) is prognostic for unfavorable outcomes in breast cancer University of Alberta | Publication | 2016-04-01 | | Adjuvant docetaxel, doxorubicin, and cyclophosphamide in node-positive breast cancer: 10-year follow-up of the phase 3 randomised BCIRG 001 trial University of Alberta | Publication | 2013-01-01 | John Mackey, Miguel Martin, Tadeusz Pienkowski, Janusz Rolski, Jean-Paul Guastalla, Amer Sami, John Glaspy, Eva Juhos, Andrew Wardley, Tommy Fornander, John Hainsworth, Robert Coleman, Manuel R Modiano, Jeferson Vinholes, Tamas Pinter, Á lvaro Rodríguez-Lescure, Bruce Colwell, Pierre Whitlock, Louise Provencher, Kara Laing, David Walde, Chris Price, Judith Hugh, Barrett H Childs, Kimberly Bassi, Mary-Ann Lindsay, Véronique Wilson, Matthieu Rupin, Vincent Houé, Charles Vogel | DEAD box 1: a novel and independent prognostic marker for early recurrence in breast cancer University of Alberta | Publication | 2010-05-01 | | Reply to L.C. Panasci University of Alberta | Publication | 2009-09-01 | Judith Hugh, John Hanson, Maggie Cheang, Torsten Nielsen, Charles Perou, Charles Dumontet, John Reed, Maryla Krajewska, Isabelle Treilleux, Matthieu Rupin, Emmanuelle Magherini, John Mackey, Miguel Martin, Charles Vogel | Reply to R.S. Mehta et al University of Alberta | Publication | 2009-06-01 | Judith Hugh, John Hanson, Maggie Cheang, Torsten Nielsen, Charles Perou, Charles Dumontet, John Reed, Maryla Krajewska, Isabelle Treilleux, Matthieu Rupin, Emmanuelle Magherini, John Mackey, Miguel Martin, Charles Vogel | Breast Cancer Subtypes and Response to Docetaxel in Node-Positive Breast Cancer: Use of an Immunohistochemical Definition in the BCIRG 001 Trial University of Alberta | Publication | 2009-03-01 | Judith Hugh, John Hanson, Maggie Chon U. Cheang, Torsten O. Nielsen, Charles M. Perou, Charles Dumontet, John Reed, Maryla Krajewska, Isabelle Treilleux, Matthieu Rupin, Emmanuelle Magherini, John Mackey, Miguel Martin, Charles Vogel | Prognostic Significance of Human Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor Positivity for the Development of Brain Metastasis After Newly Diagnosed Breast Cancer University of Alberta | Publication | 2006-12-01 | | Adjuvant Docetaxel for Node-Positive Breast Cancer University of Alberta | Publication | 2005-06-01 | Miguel Martin, Tadeusz Pienkowski, John Mackey, Marek Pawlicki, Jean-Paul Guastalla, Charles Weaver, Eva Tomiak, Taher Al-Tweigeri, Linnea Chap, Eva Juhos, Raymond Guevin, Anthony Howell, Tommy Fornander, John Hainsworth, Robert Coleman, Jeferson Vinholes, Manuel Modiano, Tamas Pinter, Shou C. Tang, Bruce Colwell, Catherine Prady, Louise Provencher, David Walde, Alvaro Rodriguez-Lescure, Judith Hugh, Camille Loret, Matthieu Rupin, Sandra Blitz, Philip Jacobs, Michael Murawsky, Alessandro Riva, Charles Vogel | GENITOURINARY SMALL CELL CARCINOMA: DETERMINATION OF CLINICAL AND THERAPEUTIC FACTORS ASSOCIATED WITH SURVIVAL University of Alberta | Publication | 1998-05-01 | | Krukenberg Tumor Complicated by Pregnancy University of Alberta | Publication | 1996-04-01 | | Training Convolutional Neural Networks and Compressed Sensing End-to-End for Microscopy Cell Detection University of Alberta | Publication | 2019-11-01 | | Analytical validation of a standardised scoring protocol for Ki67 immunohistochemistry on breast cancer excision whole sections: an international multicentre collaboration University of Alberta | Publication | 2019-07-01 | Samuel C Y Leung, Torsten O Nielsen, Lila A Zabaglo, Indu Arun, Sunil S Badve, Anita L Bane, John M S Bartlett, Signe Borgquist, Martin C Chang, Andrew Dodson, Anna Ehinger, Susan Fineberg, Cornelia M Focke, Dongxia Gao, Allen M Gown, Carolina Gutierrez, Judith Hugh, Zuzana Kos, Anne-Vibeke Læ nkholm, Mauro G. Mastropasqua, Takuya Moriya, Sharon Nofech-Mozes, C Kent Osborne, Frédérique M Penault-Llorca, Tammy Piper, Takashi Sakatani, Roberto Salgado, Jane Starczynski, Tomoharu Sugie, Bert Vegt, Giuseppe Viale, Daniel F Hayes, Lisa M McShane, Mitch Dowsett and | An international multicenter study to evaluate reproducibility of automated scoring for assessment of Ki67 in breast cancer University of Alberta | Publication | 2018-08-01 | David L. Rimm, Samuel C. Y. Leung, Lisa M. McShane, Yalai Bai, Anita L. Bane, John M. S. Bartlett, Jane Bayani, Martin C. Chang, Michelle Dean, Carsten Denkert, Emeka K. Enwere, Chad Galderisi, Abhi Gholap, Judith Hugh, Anagha Jadhav, Elizabeth N. Kornaga, Arvydas Laurinavicius, Richard Levenson, Joema Lima, Keith Miller, Liron Pantanowitz, Tammy Piper, Jason Ruan, Malini Srinivasan, Shakeel Virk, Ying Wu, Hua Yang, Daniel F. Hayes, Torsten O. Nielsen, Mitch Dowsett | A novel framework to integrate convolutional neural network with compressed sensing for cell detection University of Alberta | Publication | 2017-09-01 | | Combinational siRNA delivery using hyaluronic acid modified amphiphilic polyplexes against cell cycle and phosphatase proteins to inhibit growth and migration of triple-negative breast cancer cells University of Alberta | Publication | 2018-01-01 | Manoj B. Parmar, Daniel Nisakar Meenakshi Sundaram, Remant Bahadur K.C., Robert Maranchuk, Hamidreza Montazeri Aliabadi, Judith Hugh, Raimar Löbenberg, Hasan Uluda\ug | Calciphylaxis of the breast with associated diffuse dermal angiomatosis University of Alberta | Publication | 2017-09-01 | | New Robust and Reproducible Stereological IHC Ki67 Breast Cancer Proliferative Assessment to Replace Traditional Biased Labeling Index University of Alberta | Publication | 2017-01-01 | Gilbert Bigras, Wei-Feng Dong, Sarah Canil, Judith Hugh, Richard Berendt, George Wood, Hua Yang | Analytical validation of a standardized scoring protocol for Ki67: phase 3 of an international multicenter collaboration University of Alberta | Publication | 2016-05-01 | Samuel C Y Leung, And Torsten O Nielsen, Lila Zabaglo, Indu Arun, Sunil S Badve, Anita L Bane, John M S Bartlett, Signe Borgquist, Martin C Chang, Andrew Dodson, Rebecca A Enos, Susan Fineberg, Cornelia M Focke, Dongxia Gao, Allen M Gown, Dorthe Grabau, Carolina Gutierrez, Judith Hugh, Zuzana Kos, Anne-Vibeke Læ nkholm, Ming-Gang Lin, Mauro G Mastropasqua, Takuya Moriya, Sharon Nofech-Mozes, C Kent Osborne, Frédérique M Penault-Llorca, Tammy Piper, Takashi Sakatani, Roberto Salgado, Jane Starczynski, Giuseppe Viale, Daniel F Hayes, Lisa M McShane, Mitch Dowsett | Single and Combinational siRNA Therapy of Cancer Cells: Probing Changes in Targeted and Nontargeted Mediators after siRNA Treatment University of Alberta | Publication | 2016-11-01 | Hamidreza Montazeri Aliabadi, Parvin Mahdipoor, Marco Bisoffi, Judith Hugh, Hasan Uluda\ug | Multiple siRNA delivery against cell cycle and anti-apoptosis proteins using lipid-substituted polyethylenimine in triple-negative breast cancer and nonmalignant cells University of Alberta | Publication | 2016-08-01 | Manoj B. Parmar, Bá rbara E. Arteaga Ballesteros, Timothy Fu, Remant Bahadur K.C., Hamidreza Montazeri Aliabadi, Judith Hugh, Raimar Löbenberg, Hasan Uluda\ug | Cell Counting by Regression Using Convolutional Neural Network University of Alberta | Publication | 2016-01-01 | | An international study to increase concordance in Ki67 scoring University of Alberta | Publication | 2015-02-01 | Mei-Yin C Polley, And Samuel C Y Leung, Dongxia Gao, Mauro G Mastropasqua, Lila A Zabaglo, John M S Bartlett, Lisa M McShane, Rebecca A Enos, Sunil S Badve, Anita L Bane, Signe Borgquist, Susan Fineberg, Ming-Gang Lin, Allen M Gown, Dorthe Grabau, Carolina Gutierrez, Judith Hugh, Takuya Moriya, Yasuyo Ohi, C Kent Osborne, Fré dérique M Penault-Llorca, Tammy Piper, Peggy L Porter, Takashi Sakatani, Roberto Salgado, Jane Starczynski, Anne-Vibeke Lænkholm, Giuseppe Viale, Mitch Dowsett, Daniel F Hayes, Torsten O Nielsen | MUC 1-mediated motility in breast cancer: a review highlighting the role of the MUC1/ICAM-1/Src signaling triad University of Alberta | Publication | 2015-03-01 | | Targeting Cell Cycle Proteins in Breast Cancer Cells with siRNA by Using Lipid-Substituted Polyethylenimines University of Alberta | Publication | 2015-02-01 | Manoj B. Parmar, Hamidreza Montazeri Aliabadi, Parvin Mahdipoor, Cezary Kucharski, Robert Maranchuk, Judith Hugh, Hasan UludaÄŸ | A robust convergence index filter for breast cancer cell segmentation University of Alberta | Publication | 2014-10-01 | | An International Ki67 Reproducibility Study University of Alberta | Publication | 2013-11-01 | Mei-Yin C. Polley, Samuel C. Y. Leung, Lisa M. McShane, Dongxia Gao, Judith Hugh, Mauro G. Mastropasqua, Giuseppe Viale, Lila A. Zabaglo, Fré dérique Penault-Llorca, John M.S. Bartlett, Allen M. Gown, W. Fraser Symmans, Tammy Piper, Erika Mehl, Rebecca A. Enos, Daniel F. Hayes, Mitch Dowsett, Torsten O. Nielsen | Effective response of doxorubicin-sensitive and -resistant breast cancer cells to combinational siRNA therapy University of Alberta | Publication | 2013-11-01 | Hamidreza Montazeri Aliabadi, Robert Maranchuk, Cezary Kucharski, Parvin Mahdipoor, Judith Hugh, Hasan Uluda\ug | Characterization of a novel weak interaction between MUC 1 and Src-SH3 using nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy University of Alberta | Publication | 2012-05-01 | | Assessment of Ki67 in Breast Cancer: Recommendations from the International Ki67 in Breast Cancer Working Group University of Alberta | Publication | 2011-09-01 | M. Dowsett, T. O. Nielsen, R. A\textquotesingle Hern, J. Bartlett, R. C. Coombes, J. Cuzick, M. Ellis, N. L. Henry, Judith Hugh, T. Lively, L. McShane, S. Paik, F. Penault-Llorca, L. Prudkin, M. Regan, J. Salter, C. Sotiriou, I. E. Smith, G. Viale, J. A. Zujewski, D. F. Hayes | Non-cysteine linked MUC 1 cytoplasmic dimers are required for Src recruitment and ICAM-1 binding induced cell invasion University of Alberta | Publication | 2011-01-01 | Ashlyn J Bernier, Jing Zhang, Erik Lillehoj, Andrew RE Shaw, Nirosha Gunasekara, Judith Hugh | MUC 1 Initiates Src-CrkL-Rac1/Cdc42-Mediated Actin Cytoskeletal Protrusive Motility after Ligating Intercellular Adhesion Molecule-1 University of Alberta | Publication | 2008-03-01 | Q. Shen, J. J. Rahn, J. Zhang, N. Gunasekera, X. Sun, A. R.E. Shaw, M. J. Hendzel, P. Hoffman, A. Bernier, Judith Hugh | Corrigendum to \textquotedblleft Inhibition of RIP and c-FLIP enhances TRAIL-induced apoptosis in pancreatic cancer cells\textquotedblright [Cell Sig. 19 (11) (2007) 2237] University of Alberta | Publication | 2008-01-01 | Peng Wang, Jing Zhang, Anita Bellail, Wen Jiang, Judith Hugh, Norman M. Kneteman, Chunhai Hao | Inhibition of RIP and c-FLIP enhances TRAIL-induced apoptosis in pancreatic cancer cells University of Alberta | Publication | 2007-11-01 | Peng Wang, Jing Zhang, Anita Bellail, Wen Jiang, Judith Hugh, Norman M. Kneteman, Chunhai Hao | MUC 1 Mediates Transendothelial Migration in vitro by Ligating Endothelial Cell ICAM-1 University of Alberta | Publication | 2005-11-01 | Jennifer J. Rahn, Jeffrey W. Chow, Garnet J. Horne, Brian K. Mah, Joanne T. Emerman, Pat Hoffman, Judith Hugh | MUC 1 Initiates a Calcium Signal after Ligation by Intercellular Adhesion Molecule-1 University of Alberta | Publication | 2004-05-01 | Jennifer J. Rahn, Qiang Shen, Brian K. Mah, Judith Hugh | Microglandular Adenosis With Transition Into Adenoid Cystic Carcinoma of the Breast University of Alberta | Publication | 2003-08-01 | Geza Acs, Jean F. Simpson, Ira J. Bleiweiss, Judith Hugh, Carol Reynolds, Sandy Olson, David L. Page | The importance of MUC 1 cellular localization in patients with breast carcinoma University of Alberta | Publication | 2001-01-01 | | Comments on: Involvement of adenomatous polyposis coli (APC ) $\upbeta$-catenin signalling in human breast cancer, Jönsson M, Borg \AA, Nilbert M, Andersson, T. Eur J Cancer 2000, 36, 242\textendash248 University of Alberta | Publication | 2001-03-01 | | Fatal haemorrhagic myocarditis secondary to cyclophosphamide therapy. University of Alberta | Publication | 2000-10-01 | | Risk factors for benign proliferative breast disease University of Alberta | Publication | 2000-08-01 | CM Friedenreich, HE Bryant, F Alexander, Judith Hugh, J Danyluk, DL Page | Chronic lymphocytic leukemia with CNS involvement University of Alberta | Publication | 1993-04-01 | Surjeet Pohar, Cathy deMetz, Sibrand Poppema, Judith Hugh | Immunophenotype of Reed\textemdash Sternberg Cells University of Alberta | Publication | 1992-01-01 | | Significance of c-erb5-2 amplification and DNA aneuploidy. Analysis in 78 patients with node-negative breast cancer University of Alberta | Publication | 1992-08-01 | | Neoplastic Changes Involving Follicles: Morphological, Immunophenotypic and Genetic Diversity of Lymphoproliferations Derived from Germinal Center and Mantle Zone University of Alberta | Publication | 1992-04-01 | Sibrand Poppema, Jocelyn Kaleta, Judith Hugh, Lydia Visser | \textquotesingle Is there a role for adjuvant pelvic radiotherapy after radical hysterectomy in early stage cervical cancer?\textquotesingle University of Alberta | Publication | 1992-01-01 | R. Pearcey, G. Dundas, A. Schepansky, I. Birchall, V. Capstick, G. MacLean, Judith Hugh | A system of interlacunar network and thick fibrils in human hyaline cartilage University of Alberta | Publication | 1990-04-01 | | Primary breast lymphoma: An immunohistologic study of 20 new cases University of Alberta | Publication | 1990-12-01 | Judith Hugh, Frank I. Jackson, John Hanson, Sibrand Poppema | Ependymoma of the uterosacral ligament University of Alberta | Publication | 1989-12-01 | Má ire A. Duggan, Judith Hugh, Jill G. Nation, D. Ian Robertson, Gavin C. E. Stuart | The fine-needle aspiration appearance of the follicular variant of thyroid papillary carcinoma: A report of three cases University of Alberta | Publication | 1988-07-01 | |