Keywords: | migraine, concussion, POTS, digital health, real world evidence |
Lawrence Richer MD, MSc (Clinical Epidemiology) is a Professor in the Department of Pediatrics, University of Alberta and a practicing Pediatric Neurologist. He serves as the Vice-Dean Research (clinical) for the Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry, Center Director of the Northern Alberta Clinical Trials and Research Center (NACTRC), and academic lead for the Precision Health Signature Area. In his leadership roles, he is committed to maximizing the use of health data to improve patient outcomes through research and to enhancing support for innovation in clinical research. His research interests focus on digital health applications in pediatric autonomic disorders and the treatment of pediatric migraine. He holds the Alberta Health Services Chair in Health Informatics Research which has been used to has help to create the Real-World Evidence Unit and to enhance support for research computation and digital health within the Faculty. Outputs
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Innovative approaches to investigator-initiated, multicentre paediatric clinical trials in Canada University of Alberta | Publication | 2019-01-01 | L.E. Kelly, Lawrence P. Richer, S. Ali, A.C. Plint, N. Poonai, S.B. Freedman, L. Knisley, C. Shimmin, S. Hickes, G.W. Jong, P. Pechlivanoglou, M. Offringa, T. Lacaze, T.P. Klassen | Derivation and Initial Validation of Clinical Phenotypes of Children Presenting with Concussion Acutely in the Emergency Department: Latent Class Analysis of a Multi-Center, Prospective Cohort, Observational Study University of Alberta | Publication | 2019-01-01 | K.O. Yeates, K. Tang, N. Barrowman, S.B. Freedman, J. Gravel, I. Gagnon, G. Sangha, K. Boutis, D. Beer, W. Craig, E. Burns, K.J. Farion, A. Mikrogianakis, K. Barlow, A.S. Dubrovsky, W. Meeuwisse, G. Gioia, W.P. Meehan, M.H. Beauchamp, Y. Kamil, A.M. Grool, B. Hoshizaki, P. Anderson, B.L. Brooks, M. Vassilyadi, T. Klassen, M. Keightley, Lawrence P. Richer, C. DeMatteo, M.H. Osmond, R. Zemek | No association between metoclopramide treatment in ED and reduced risk of post-concussion headache University of Alberta | Publication | 2018-01-01 | N. Bresee, M. Aglipay, A.S. Dubrovsky, A.-A. Ledoux, F. Momoli, J. Gravel, S.B. Freedman, K. Barlow, Lawrence P. Richer, N.J. Barrowman, R. Zemek | Predictors of neuropsychological outcome after pediatric concussion. University of Alberta | Publication | 2018-01-01 | M.H. Beauchamp, M. Aglipay, K.O. Yeates, N. Désiré, M. Keightley, P. Anderson, B.L. Brooks, N. Barrowman, J. Gravel, K. Boutis, I. Gagnon, A.S. Dubrovsky, R. Zemek, J. Xie, J. Chatfield, A. Mikrogianakis, S. Freedman, W. Meeuwisse, W. Craig, Lawrence P. Richer, N. Dow, D. Beer, R. Papadimitropoulos, T. Klassen, T. Levesque, G. Sangha, C. Langford, T.T. Tran, K. Tang, K. Farion, Y. Kamil, M.H. Osmond, M. Vassilyadi, C. McGahern, V. DiGirolamo, J. Mazza, M. Lagacé, R. Cook, E. Burns, E. Fitzpatrick, J. MacIntyre, J. Moore | The use of magnetic resonance imaging to characterize abnormal body composition phenotypes in youth with Prader\textendash Willi syndrome University of Alberta | Publication | 2017-01-01 | C.E. Orsso, M. Mackenzie, A.S. Alberga, A.M. Sharma, Lawrence P. Richer, D.A. Rubin, C.M. Prado, A.M. Haqq | Quantitative phenotypic and network analysis of 1q44 microdeletion for microcephaly University of Alberta | Publication | 2017-01-01 | N. Raun, J. Mailo, E. Spinelli, X. He, S. McAvena, L. Brand, J. O'Sullivan, J. Andersen, Lawrence P. Richer, R. Tang-Wai, F.V. Bolduc | A comparison in a youth population between those with and without a history of concussion using biomechanical reconstruction University of Alberta | Publication | 2017-01-01 | A. Post, T.B. Hoshizaki, M.D. Gilchrist, D. Koncan, L. Dawson, W. Chen, A.-A. Ledoux, R. Zemek, C. McGahern, G. Sangha, D. Beer, W. Craig, K.J. Farion, A. Mikrogianakis, K. Barlow, A.S. Dubrovsky, W. Meeuwisse, W.P. Meehan, Y. Kamil, A.M. Grool, B. Hoshizaki, P. Anderson, B.L. Brooks, M. Vassilyadi, T. Klassen, M. Keightley, Lawrence P. Richer, C. DeMatteo | Drugs for the acute treatment of migraine in children and adolescents University of Alberta | Publication | 2016-01-01 | Lawrence P. Richer, L. Billinghurst, M.A. Linsdell, K. Russell, B. Vandermeer, E.T. Crumley, T. Durec, T.P. Klassen, L. Hartling | Clinical Risk Score for Persistent Postconcussion Symptoms Among Children With Acute Concussion in the ED University of Alberta | Publication | 2016-01-01 | R. Zemek, N. Barrowman, S.B. Freedman, J. Gravel, I. Gagnon, C. McGahern, M. Aglipay, G. Sangha, K. Boutis, D. Beer, W. Craig, E. Burns, K.J. Farion, A. Mikrogianakis, K. Barlow, A.S. Dubrovsky, W. Meeuwisse, G. Gioia, W.P. Meehan, M.H. Beauchamp, Y. Kamil, A.M. Grool, B. Hoshizaki, P. Anderson, B.L. Brooks, K.O. Yeates, M. Vassilyadi, T. Klassen, M. Keightley, Lawrence P. Richer, C. De Matteo, M.H. Osmond, J. Xie, J. Chatfield, N. Dow, R. Papadimitropoulos, T. Levesque, C. Langford, T.T. Tran, Candice McGahern, Vanessa DiGirolamo, J. Mazza, Maryse Lagace, R. Cook, E. Fitzpatrick, Jessica MacIntyre, J. Moore | Improving migraine headache management in emergency departments: The time has come University of Alberta | Publication | 2015-01-01 | | Tic Versus TAC : Differentiating the Neuralgias (Trigeminal Neuralgia) from the Cephalalgias (SUNCT and SUNA) University of Alberta | Publication | 2015-01-01 | | Randomized Controlled Trial of Treatment Expectation and Intravenous Fluid in Pediatric Migraine University of Alberta | Publication | 2014-01-01 | | A double-blind, placebo-controlled intervention trial of 3 and 10 mg sublingual melatonin for post-concussion syndrome in youths (PLAYGAME ): study protocol for a randomized controlled trial University of Alberta | Publication | 2014-01-01 | K.M. Barlow, B.L. Brooks, F.P. MacMaster, A. Kirton, T. Seeger, M. Esser, S. Crawford, A. Nettel-Aguirre, R. Zemek, M. Angelo, V. Kirk, C.A. Emery, D. Johnson, M.D. Hill, J. Buchhalter, B. Turley, Lawrence P. Richer, R. Platt, J. Hutchison, D. Dewey | Unilateral Möbius syndrome: Two cases and a review of the literature University of Alberta | Publication | 2014-01-01 | | Treatment of Children With Migraine in Emergency Departments: National Practice Variation Study University of Alberta | Publication | 2010-01-01 | Lawrence P. Richer, K. Laycock, K. Millar, E. Fitzpatrick, S. Khangura, M. Bhatt, C. Guimont, G. Neto, S. Noseworthy, R. Siemens, S. Gouin, B.H. Rowe | Decompressive Hemicraniectomy in Children With Severe Ischemic Stroke and Life-Threatening Cerebral Edema University of Alberta | Publication | 2008-01-01 | | Emergency Department Management of Acute Migraine in Children in Canada: A Practice Variation Study. University of Alberta | Publication | 2007-01-01 | | Tuberous Sclerosis With Open Lipped Schizencephaly University of Alberta | Publication | 2006-01-01 | | Neuroimaging features of acute disseminated encephalomyelitis in childhood University of Alberta | Publication | 2005-01-01 | | Epilepsia Partialis Continua: Acute Disseminated Encephalomyelitis or Rasmussen's Encephalitis? University of Alberta | Publication | 2005-01-01 | | An Adolescent with a Progressive Movement Disorder University of Alberta | Publication | 2003-01-01 | | Epileptiform abnormalities in children with attention-deficit-hyperactivity disorder University of Alberta | Publication | 2002-01-01 | | Pediatric meralgia paresthetica University of Alberta | Publication | 2002-01-01 | | Diagnostic profile of neonatal hypotonia: an 11-year study University of Alberta | Publication | 2001-01-01 | | Canadian Cardiovascular Society Position Statement on Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome (POTS ) and Related Disorders of Chronic Orthostatic Intolerance University of Alberta | Publication | 2020-01-01 | S.R. Raj, J.C. Guzman, P. Harvey, Lawrence P. Richer, R. Schondorf, C. Seifer, N. Thibodeau-Jarry, R.S. Sheldon | The Costs of Industry-Sponsored Medical Device Clinical Trials in Alberta University of Alberta | Publication | 2019-01-01 | I. Akpinar, A. Ohinmaa, L. Thording, D.T. Tran, R.N. Fedorak, Lawrence P. Richer, P. Jacobs | The Economic Contribution of Industry-Sponsored Pharmaceutical Clinical Trials University of Alberta | Publication | 2017-01-01 | | Predictors of neuropsychological outcome after pediatric concussion University of Alberta | Publication | 2018-01-01 | A. Post, T. Blaine Hoshizaki, M.D. Gilchrist, D. Koncan, L. Dawson, W. Chen, A.-A. Ledoux, R. Zemek, C. McGahern, G. Sangha, D. Beer, W. Craig, K.J. Farion, A. Mikrogianakis, K. Barlow, A.S. Dubrovsky, W. Meeuwisse, W.P. Meehan, Y. Kamil, A.M. Grool, B. Hoshizaki, P. Anderson, B.L. Brooks, M. Vassilyadi, T. Klassen, M. Keightley, Lawrence P. Richer, C. DeMatteo | Response University of Alberta | Publication | 2018-01-01 | A. Post, T. Blaine Hoshizaki, M.D. Gilchrist, D. Koncan, L. Dawson, W. Chen, A.-A. Ledoux, R. Zemek, C. McGahern, G. Sangha, D. Beer, W. Craig, K.J. Farion, A. Mikrogianakis, K. Barlow, A.S. Dubrovsky, W. Meeuwisse, W.P. Meehan, Y. Kamil, A.M. Grool, B. Hoshizaki, P. Anderson, B.L. Brooks, M. Vassilyadi, T. Klassen, M. Keightley, Lawrence P. Richer, C. DeMatteo | Interobserver Agreement in the Assessment of Clinical Findings in Children with Headaches University of Alberta | Publication | 2020-01-01 | D.S. Tsze, A.T. Cruz, R.D. Mistry, A.E. Gonzalez, J.B. Ochs, Lawrence P. Richer, N. Kuppermann, P.S. Dayan | Efficacy of melatonin in children with postconcussive symptoms: A randomized clinical trial University of Alberta | Publication | 2020-01-01 | K.M. Barlow, B.L. Brooks, M.J. Esser, A. Kirton, A. Mikrogianakis, R.L. Zemek, F.P. MacMaster, A. Nettel-Aguirre, K.O. Yeates, V. Kirk, J.S. Hutchison, S. Crawford, B. Turley, C. Cameron, M.D. Hill, T. Samuel, J. Buchhalter, Lawrence P. Richer, R. Platt, R. Boyd, D. Dewey | Familial Recurrence of Cerebral Palsy with Multiple Risk Factors University of Alberta | Publication | 2018-01-01 | Lawrence P. Richer, Nancy A. Dower, Norma Leonard, Alicia K. J. Chan, Charlene M. T. Robertson | Childhood Headache (Book Review) University of Alberta | Publication | 2004-01-01 | | Drugs for treating acute migraine headaches in children and adolescents [Protocol] University of Alberta | Publication | 2006-01-01 | L. Billingshurst, Lawrence P. Richer, K. Russell, B. Vandermeer, E. Crumley, L. Hartling, T. Klassen | ED Migraine II: A National Practice Variation Study of Migraine Treatment in Canadian Pediatric Emergency Departments University of Alberta | Publication | 2008-01-01 | | Study protocol for two complementary trials of non-steroidal or opioid analgesia use for children aged 6 to 17 years with musculoskeletal injuries (the No OUCH study) University of Alberta | Publication | 2020-01-01 | S. Ali, S. Ali, M. Rajagopal, T. Klassen, Lawrence P. Richer, Lawrence P. Richer, C. McCabe, A. Willan, M. Yaskina, A. Heath, A. Heath, A.L. Drendel, M. Offringa, S. Gouin, A. Stang, A. Stang, S. Sawyer, M. Bhatt, M. Bhatt, S. Hickes, N. Poonai | Anti-N-Methyl-D-Aspartate (NMDA) receptor encephalitis: An unusual cause of autistic regression in a toddler University of Alberta | Publication | 2014-01-01 | O. Scott, Lawrence P. Richer, K. Forbes, L. Sonnenberg, A. Currie, M. Eliyashevska, H.R. Goez |